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jackie walorski trump

Jackie Walorski Trump - "Congresswoman Jackie Walorski is an outstanding representative for Indiana's 2nd District! Jackie is working hard to fix Joe Biden's problems with our economy, from inflation to rising oil prices," President Trump said. building on our long history of success. Jackie Walorski has my full knowledge!

Congresswoman Walorski has worked closely with President Trump to deliver on his promises to Hoosiers and the American people. Together, they have lowered taxes for American families, found peace and strength, fought drug cartels along the southern border, improved access to quality health care, and protected important American freedoms.

Jackie Walorski Trump

Jackie Walorski Trump

"President Trump and I have worked together to achieve real results for Hoosiers and Americans across the country. I am proud to receive his full support as I continue to fight for our fair, pro-Americans," said Congresswoman Walorski . "With President Trump in the White House and Republicans controlling the House of Representatives, America has been safer, stronger and more prosperous. With Joe Biden and one-party rule, inflation is out of control, crime is on the rise, borders are in chaos, and our important manufacturers have been brought to a halt. This is a constant blockade of the supply chain. Today's Democrats are so out of touch with Hoosier needs and wants. We must restore this House, restore sanity to Washington, and get our country back on track."

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As a strong leader in the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Walorski has also received President Trump's endorsement for the 2020 election.

A lifelong Hoosier, Congresswoman Walorski represents Indiana's Second District. He serves as a leading member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee and as the top Republican on its Workforce and Family Services Committee. Congresswoman Walorski is also the Republican Chair of the House Ethics Committee.

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